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We have learned alongside our Community Partners as they have faced challenges, overcome barriers, and achieved extraordinary successes. Find out more about each project and the outcomes below.








Yellow Bike Project


Yellow Bike Project

Yellow Bike Project

Project Title:

Ride to the Future

Project Description:   

The beneficiaries of Yellow Bike Project often come from vulnerable and underserved communities: people in poverty, refugees, people experiencing homelessness, women escaping domestic abuse, and those experiencing difficult life transitions. 

One of the most important components of Yellow Bike Project’s mission is to empower people through bicycles. In some cases, they provide a commuter bike that helps them to better access jobs, education, and health care. In others cases, the organization teaches bike mechanic skills that make their clients more independent.

The grant is unrestricted and awarded in support of the mission and programs of Yellow Bike Project, including their Ride to the Future work training program for youth.

Grant Status:   

Yellow Bike leveraged Impact Austin's grant by collaborating with (and acquiring funding from) Communities in Schools of Central Texas to launch the first edition of RIDE TO THE FUTURE, an after-school youth training in bike mechanics. Funds supported instructor salary, project coordinator salary, payroll for participants, tools, meals, and incentives. With full funding from Impact Austin, Yellow Bike's program would have served 15 youth. With the smaller grant, they created a program for 5 students from Garza Independence High School , ultimately finishing with four. Two of the students from this first-ever program hope to continue with Yellow Bike.

For More Information:   

Related Reports:

Grant Outcomes Report
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© Impact Austin Foundation


Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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