We have learned alongside our Community Partners as they have faced challenges, overcome barriers, and achieved extraordinary successes. Find out more about each project and the outcomes below.

Partnerships for Children

Project Title:
The Heart Gallery
Project Description:
Partnerships for Children provides critical resources to abused and neglected children in Central Texas who are in the care of Child Protective Services.
The Heart Gallery is both a traveling portrait exhibit and outreach opportunity for individuals to learn more about children in the foster care system and the adoption process. The Heart Gallery has a 60% success rate of getting harder to place children into permanent, loving homes. Before the establishment of Heart Galleries across the U.S. that number was less than one percent.
Grant Status:
The Impact Austin grant funded various initiatives supporting foster-to-adopt goals at Partnerships for Children.
Pop-up traveling Heart Gallery of Central Texas in locations including Texas State Capitol, Governor’s Mansion, Austin Club, Blanton Museum of Art, Blue Bell Creameries, Thinkery
Funded monthly foster-to-adopt information sessions in conjunction with Department of Family and Protective Services
Website update driving 3,000 unique visits/month
Printed Heart Gallery Book
Grant outcomes video shared 1,200 children available for adoption in Central Texas, including 250 from Travis County. 9 children had been adopted the previous month from the Heart Gallery.
Approximately 200 children featured annually in Heart Gallery of Central Texas.
As of 2021, more than 400 children have been adopted from the Heart Gallery of Central Texas.