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Impact Austin

Surpassing $5 MILLION in Collective Giving - YOU are Doing It!

Together, we will surpass $5,000,000 in 2015...  

For the past 11 years, Impact Austin has occupied a prestigious space as one of the larger organizations in the  Women’s Collective Giving Grantmakers Network (WCGN), a five-year old network providing resources and connecting independent philanthropic organizations in the United States. As a member of WCGN, Impact Austin is one of 38 organizations in 19 states participating in this collaborative way of community-based philanthropy which now includes 7,500 women from across the country. 

Like Impact Austin, each of these organizations delves into the true needs of their communities to make smart decisions about grant funding. Impact Austin is dedicated to educating women about specific and relevant needs to fund in Central Texas.  We are proud to add our members to this collaborative movement that is now widely known as “collective giving”.  

We are thankful for the financial commitment and extraordinary talent contributed by Impact Austin’s members which allows us to occupy this important space with WCGN.  

We are counting on our returning members to join us again and welcome new members as we surpass $5,000,000 in total grants given to Central Texas in 2015. 

See WCGN facts and figures here and learn more about the state of women's collective giving in our nation. 

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