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Social Innovation Grant Finalists Announced

Impact Austin

The Social Innovation Grant (SIG) Grant Review Committee (GRC) is composed of 28 women, including 2 chairs, 1 advisor, 1 shadow and 24 members. The GRC evaluated 12 applications for our one-year grant of $40,000 to fund a collaborative focused on advancing equity for women and/or girls of color in the Greater Austin area.

The GRC’s work began with unconscious bias training, organized by Impact Austin’s DEI Committee and led by Fatima Mann. Fatima is Founder/Executive Director of Community Advocacy and Healing Project and part of the collaborative that won the 2019 SIG. Moreover, a DEI Committee member speaks at every meeting to continue the education process and help ensure that equity remains uppermost in members’ minds as they evaluate the applicants.

On September 15, the GRC selected three semi-finalists to present virtual pitch presentations to further advocate for funding. Earlier this week, the GRC chose the two finalists who will be presented to the Impact Austin membership for vote. Congratulations to these collaboratives, with thanks for their exciting proposed projects.

Black Mamas REACH

Black Mamas REACH (Racial Equity and Access for Collaborative Healthcare) Manor is a collaboration between Black Mamas ATX, Austin Regional Clinic, Manor ISD, and People's Community Clinic. Funding will bring Black Mamas programming to Manor, which currently has one of the highest Black populations in Central Texas but no OB/GYN clinics, with the goal to ensure Black women survive and thrive before, during, and after childbirth. This program will provide support groups, doula services, midwifery clinic services, and remote/online case management and psychotherapy services for about 40 women, with many services being provided for up to 18 months. With Central Texas having the highest Black maternal mortality rate in Texas, Impact Austin funding has the potential to be life-changing for the Black women in Manor.

The Spark Change Project

The Spark Change Project is a collaboration between Girls Empowerment Network (GEN) and the Excellence and Advancement Foundation (EAF). The idea behind the collaboration is to combine GEN's self-advocacy training with EAF's activism training. Impact Austin funding will support 135 girls of color, ranging from 6th to 12th grade. Five 12th graders will be trained to be paid peer leaders; 100 girls will participate in Spark Day and receive training on self-advocacy, civic engagement, and political action; and 30 girls will attend Spark Camp for 40 hours of engagement in activism, advocacy, and civic engagement. Spark Change Girls will learn how to change the world and to truly believe that they can.

Thank you to the leadership and volunteers of the Social Innovation Grant GRC.

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