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  • Impact Austin

National Volunteer Week: Hands-On Service at Central Texas Food Bank

By Tonya Netzley, Zones Coordinator

In a year of virtual events, Impact Austin members have grown accustomed to gathering on Zoom and Facebook Live. These online experiences have provided opportunities for members to stay in touch during the pandemic - all from the comfort of home or office.

But many members have missed the social side of Impact Austin, including their "Zones Socials." Impact Austin Zones are geographic areas across greater Austin where many of our members live and work. Zones enable us to more easily connect with the organization and fellow members through casual social activities throughout the year. All gatherings since 2020 have been virtual - except for volunteer shifts at the Central Texas Food Bank.

Our service-minded members still enjoy being able to contribute safely to community efforts. What better way to celebrate National Volunteer Week (the third week in April) than to plan another hands-on community service activity at the Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB)? During the pandemic, the CTFB has provided a critical role supporting families in Central Texas.

On April 23 and 24, thirteen Impact Austin members and a guest volunteered at the CTFB Warehouse: inspecting food items, doing quality control, gathering banana boxes, wrapping pallets, and handling trash. Our members are so thankful that we continue to organize special community service Zone events that provide opportunities for us to give back to our community.

All the volunteers enjoyed meeting and working alongside one another during these hands-on events. These comments were shared about volunteering today and working in the CTFB Warehouse:

  • "We wiped down every food item that was then boxed to send off."

  • "I spent my time pouring out expired energy drinks that don’t meet the Food Bank’s criteria for donations. We recycled the pop tops and the cans."

  • " Yes, I too enjoyed the event! I always feel inspired to do more when I volunteer at CTFB."

  • " I so enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to engaging in the future!"

  • " Lots of fun and we were being philanthropists! Time, Treasure, Talent."

  • " I echo everyone’s 'bravos.' A win win for us and CTFB!"

This was our third community service opportunity at the CTFB Warehouse during the past year! Find out more about Impact Austin Zones and how to join one. Learn about all of Impact Austin's upcoming events here.


Our membership and leadership proudly reflect the many faces, cultures and walks of life that make up our society. We believe diversity helps us to better understand and address the issues facing our community. Learn more about us! Join or renew your membership here.

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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