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Member Spotlight on Lorene Phillips

Lorene is a woman who sparkles and shines. From her bright and beautiful smile to her love for jewelry, she lights up whatever room she is in.

We asked Lorene about her personal Impact Austin story…how did she hear about it, and what caused her to join and become involved?

“I heard about Impact Austin from Kali’ Rourke at a luncheon for the Association of Fundraising Professionals at Green Pastures Restaurant many years ago. She said something to the effect of “We have to get you into Impact Austin!” and added, “We have coffees at Grapevine Market and I would like for you to attend one with me.” That was my first experience attending a coffee where wine was served!”

“I decided to join because I loved the idea of pooling my money with that of other women to make a greater impact. While I continue to support other non-profit organizations, I love the work of Impact Austin and the effect that we have had on the greater Austin community.”

Lorene jumped into Impact Austin with verve and enthusiasm. We asked her what roles she had taken on in her years of membership.

“I have served on a Focus Area Committee, as President of the Board of Directors, and currently I serve as Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors.  Additionally, I am serving as Co-chair of the Membership Committee and Chair of the Personnel Committee.”

What is your professional career?

“I am a Human Resources Business Partner for three district offices at a power distribution company in the Hill Country.”

Lorene is very busy between her work and her Impact Austin volunteer activities, but makes time for her mother and two sisters, and has recently been invited to become a board member for City School.

What is the most important thing you have learned by being an Impact Austin member and what is your favorite thing you have done with the organization?

“The most important thing that I have learned is the importance of working together, as a group of diverse women, for the ‘greater good.’  It is so rewarding to see how all of the moving parts come together the night of the Annual Meeting.” 

“My favorite thing that I have done with the organization was making site visits to non-profit organizations as a part of the grants selection process. It was totally eye opening to see the enthusiasm and work that is being done to improve lives in our community.”

What is something about you that is unusual or might surprise people?

“I never met a piece of jewelry that I did not like.  I love it all…from costume to precious gemstones.  I think I was Elizabeth Taylor in another life…or maybe it is this life!”

Lorene has been creating her own custom jewelry for years. If you see her wearing something you love, ask her about it!

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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