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Member Spotlight on Kali´ Rourke

Impact Austin

We caught up with Kali´ Rourke on the run, as usual! We asked her how she heard about Impact Austin and what caused her to join.

“Back in 2004, I read about an upcoming Community Coffee at Grapevine Market in the Statesman! I met these great women there, wrote my check that very night, and have been an involved member ever since.”

What have you done at Impact Austin?

“I was on Focus Area Committees (FAC) each year until 2011, when I joined the Board of Directors for three years. I served as Secretary and Vice President of the Board and chaired the Governance Committee.

I am on the Culture FAC this year, am active on the Marketing Committee (Social Media), Philanthropy Education (IMPACT-edu), and I administer the new Impact Austin blog.”

“In my former life (before kids), I was a Mortgage Banker and Title Insurance Escrow Officer and retired to raise my daughters. Now I am a full time volunteer and an Impact Austin Philanthropist!”

We asked what other nonprofits Kali´ works with. 

“I have been on the Seedling Foundation Board since 2004 and served as its President for about seven years. Currently, I serve as its Secretary and Web Administrator and chair the Governance Committee. Seedling Foundation provides highly supported, research-based mentoring through public schools for children who are challenged by parental incarceration. I also personally mentor a sweet little second grade girl in the Seedling’s Promise Program and represent Seedling and the City of Austin on the Austin-Travis County Mentoring Advisory Council.

I am a Justice Partner for Texas Advocacy Project and our family sponsors ACC scholarships for single women with dependent children through the ACC Foundation. My husband and I also sponsor scholarships for 8th grade students in the Seedling’s Promise program.”

Tell us a little about your family.

“I am married to Dan Rourke (a/k/a Mr. Romance) who is the Senior Director of Software Support at HomeAway Software, and I am the proud mother of two amazing daughters. Devin Rourke, who graduated from Vanderbilt Law School and is starting as an Assistant County Attorney (prosecutor) for Williamson County in May, and Danielle Rourke, who graduates from Duke University School of Nursing, May 2015 as an RN-BSN, and will pursue her Master’s in Nursing to become a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner while she practices as an RN at Cook Children's Hospital in Ft. Worth.”

What is the most important thing you have learned by being an Impact Austin member and what is your favorite thing you have done with the organization?

“The most important thing I have learned is what makes a quality program in a quality nonprofit. This is knowledge I have taken and used for the benefit of all of the nonprofits I have worked with. My favorite thing? The amazingly cool women I have met and the friendships I have formed, of course. 

Oh, and writing and performing the Impact Austin 10th Anniversary song. -- That was a fabulous experience!

Tell us something unusual about you. Go crazy!

“I have been a professional vocalist since the age of twelve; starting out in Country and adding Rock, R&B, Pop, Folk and Broadway along the way. I performed in many Austin productions in the late 70s-80s, including Melodrama Theatre, Musicals (The picture is from the original rock and roll musical, “Little Red.”), Zilker Hillside and Zach Scott Theatre productions. In the 90s, I joined the River City Pops (An amazing show choir!) and eventually became an alumni. Now I write songs and sing regularly at the Contemporary Worship Service at Covenant Presbyterian.” 

“Yes, I will sing at the drop of a hat; so if karaoke is involved…beware!”

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Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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