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Member Portal - How it Works for You

Impact Austin

Connect With Other Members on the Member Portal

The Member Portal Committee is thrilled to announce that the Portal is up and running and ready for all members to sign up! Thank you to Committee Chair Christine Egli and Member Journey Committee Liaison Val Kirk for their hard work on this important project.

All current members, whether renewed or not for the following year, have been invited to sign up for the Member Portal. New members are automatically sent an invitation to sign up. This portal gives you online control over your information and allows you to search for other members and connect via email, while still respecting members' privacy.

This new connection tool means that if you meet another member at an Impact Austin event, you can search for that member and then send her an email through the system. Email addresses are not included in the directory to prevent mass unsolicited emails, but the system email nevertheless will send a one-off that the receiving member can respond to if she wishes. In addition, you can opt out of being included in the directory if you don’t want other members to know about your membership or to contact you. (You do this by clicking "Request Update" on your Member Information page, and then checking the box by "Do Not Show In Directory.”)

On the member portal login page, there is an email link to contact Impact Austin for help if needed, like if you forget your password. In the next release planned for late October, there will be an additional password reset request link.

Why is the portal important?

  • The Member Information part of the portal allows members to ensure the data Impact Austin has about each member is correct.

  • The Member Information section also lets members know their current status with Impact Austin for the current membership year. They're told if they've already paid, or have committed to membership, or have not yet committed.

  • The portal permits our members to scan the Membership Directory to see who else is a member at any time during the year, rather than just once a year at the Annual Meeting.

  • The Member Directory has information on the Zone of each member, as well as her occupation and employer. You can scan zones for IA members in your neighborhood, or look for someone who has a particular business you might be interested in.

Members need to take the following actions:

  • If you haven't accessed the portal, lost your email invitation, or need a password reset, please send a general email request through the Impact Austin Contact Us page.

  • Look at your information in the portal and let us know if there's anything you want to be changed, using the "Request Update" function.

  • Use the "Feedback" page to tell us what you’d like added/deleted from the portal.

  • Keep your membership current! Once the deadline for renewal has passed, any members who have not renewed their membership are removed from the directory and can no longer access the portal.

  • Choose a new volunteer role within Impact Austin! Some committees, like Marketing, need new members, talents, and insights. All committees would welcome you!

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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