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  • Impact Austin

Impact Austin Selects 11 Applications for Deep Dive Review

Fall Grant Review Committees (GRCs) were hard at work in August. Initial assessments yielded a group of 11 organizations - from a combined pool of 66 applicants - meriting deep-dive review within our two focus areas of Equity and Health & Well-Being. A total of $158,400 will be awarded in November.

Equity GRC - The 18 member-volunteers evaluated a pool of 16 applications and identified these five for the next stage of review. Equity Grants invest in equity for women and/or girls of color.

  • Any Baby Can of Austin, Inc. - Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Project

  • Todos Juntos Learning Center - Adult Education to End the Cycle of Poverty for Austin Immigrants

  • Friends of the Children Austin - Friends Austin Literacy and Educational Equity

  • Giving Austin Labor Support GALS Austin - Expanding the Safety Net: Emergency birth support

  • Latinitas - Pipeline Latinitas: Equity for All Ages

Health & Well-Being GRC - The 27 member-volunteers examined 50 applications to name these six organizations that will undergo a fuller review. Health & Well-Being grants strengthen and enhance the lives of children and families, or positively impact the mental or physical health and wellness of people.

  • The Charlie Center - The Charlie Expansion Project

  • Out Youth - Safeguarding + Expanding Emergency LGBTQIA+ Youth Mental Health Care

  • Keep Austin Fed - Food Recovery & Redistribution Hub

  • CASA of Travis County - Bridge to Permanency

  • Unbound Now - End Human Trafficking. Ignite Hope. Supporting Survivors of Human Trafficking in Austin

  • Texas Gun Sense - Preventing Gun Violence Through Community Violence Intervention & Safe Storage

The fall grant cycles culminates in grant awards at our November 14 Town Hall Meeting. Next steps are:

  • September - Deep dive reviews of 11 applications. Later September, three organizations are chosen within each focus area for site visits.

  • October 5, 6, 7 - Site visits. Health & Well-Being site visits may be in-person or virtual. Equity site visits will be virtual.

  • Mid October - GRCs vote to identify grant finalists in each focus area.

  • October 31 - Finalist packets distributed to Impact Austin members for vote.

  • November 9 - Voting concludes.

  • November 14 - Grants awarded at Town Hall Meeting.


Girls Giving Grants (g3) continues to register members through September 15. Please share the opportunity with young women in grades 8-12. Co-Chairs Karen Davenport and Summer McAfee request adult advisors to assist with the 2023-2024 program. Past chairs and advisors have shared why their experiences guiding the g3 members have been so satisfying.

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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