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Impact Austin's Social Side

Impact Austin

by Tonya Netzley, Zones Coordinator

Impact Austin Zones are geographic areas across greater Austin where many of our members live and work. Zones enable us to more easily connect with the organization and fellow members through casual activities throughout the year.

During the pandemic, most events were on Zoom, but they linked members from across all Zones. At each gathering, members learned about each other while also engaging in an activity of some sort. We had classes about chocolate and cheese, we shared holiday traditions, and indulged in trivia. We also gave back to the community by participating in group volunteer shifts at the Central Texas Food bank. These were our only in-person events.

For the last Zones event of FY21, we decided to head outdoors. What a wonderful way to start getting back together in person!

Our location, for a morning hike and walk, was Commons Ford Ranch Metropolitan Park in west Austin. The natural beauty of this lakefront park includes hiking trails, waterfalls, grasslands, tree canopies and riverbank on Lake Austin. The weather was great for a hike and picnic, considering June’s rain and heat.

Fourteen members and one cute pup, from across all Zones, joined the hike. We walked in the woods to waterfalls, through the grasslands to the water, talking with each other along the way. A few of us then stayed for an early picnic lunch and more conversation.

Everyone commented how much they enjoyed this Zones event in the outdoors and being together in person. A few suggested that we plan another outdoor activity or two!

With members traveling and spending time catching up with family and friends, this was our last Zones event for the summer. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again at fall gatherings!

We’re always interested in new ideas for Zones gatherings, and we welcome participation on the committee. Reach out to Coordinator Tonya Netzley for both.


Members attend Zone events in their home neighborhood, near their work, or virtually. Click here to join your Zone. Once you’ve joined, your Zone Captain will contact you with details for upcoming events.


You can receive notifications about upcoming events in as many Zones as you would like. To request additional notifications, please email

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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