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Impact Austin Grant Outcomes – The Impact YOU Made!

Impact Austin

Each year, Impact Austin members receive a treat in their email. It is a magical link that shares the impact their donations have made over the years as each grant is used, and illustrates how our community is affected.

Missed it? It’s not too late to catch up.  Check out the latest Impact Austin Grant Outcomes Report!

This report covers the implementations and successes of three Impact Austin Community Partners and one Girls Giving Grants (g3) Community Partner whose grant programs were complete as of May 2015.

We celebrate Creative Action, Ecology Action, Partnerships for Children and Helping Hand Home for Children, whose work, dedication and passion for their mission inspired 500 women and over 50 girls to provide grants from the funds they had pooled through collective giving to help these amazing organizations realize their dreams.

As you read the stories in the Grant Outcomes Report, know that YOU made this happen. 

Nothing this good occurs in a vacuum!

Tell your friends and family about it, and share the joy that is philanthropy.  Encourage the women you know to become a part of Impact Austin, and help us make an extraordinary impact in our community.

We are women and we know how.  Join Impact Austin Today.

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