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Girls Giving Grants Select Two Grant Finalists

Impact Austin

Girls Giving Grants (g3), the youth initiative of Impact Austin, met February 10 to further narrow the focus for their $8,800 grant. From 42 applications received in the fall, g3 members selected 7 semi-finalists for in-depth review in January. Seven teams made presentations and advocated for each semi-finalist, and the following two organizations were chosen for site visits in April.

Big Love Cancer Care – Weekly Wish List Program

This project serves pediatric patients undergoing cancer treatment at Dell Children’s Medical Center and their families. The program enables cancer kids and their families to submit wishes/needs each week. The g3 grant would help to fund essential supplies and other items needed to make their extended hospital stay more bearable.

The Refuge for DMST™ (Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking) – Circle of Care

The Circle of Care is The Refuge for DMST's restorative therapeutic program for girls aged 11-19 who have come to The Refuge Ranch to recover from the traumas of child sex trafficking. The g3 grant would help to expand the Circle of Care with the SEE (Socialization and Educational Enrichment) Program.  SEE would provide the girls the opportunity to SEE what the community outside the sex trafficking world looks like, with a series of fun, interactive excursions, speaker presentations, and related projects.

Congratulations to Girls Giving Grants for their grantmaking progress and for selecting two such worthy semi-finalist projects. 

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