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  • Impact Austin

Fall Grant Season Underway

Impact Austin's Fall Grant Review Committees (GRCs) start work this week, launching a process that concludes in mid-November.

The Equity GRC meets by Zoom on August 16. This group is comprised of 22 members, including two chairs and one advisor. The Health & Well-Being GRC will meet in person at Leadership Austin, starting August 18. This GRC numbers 25 members, also including two chairs and one advisor. Their meetings will be our first in-person sessions since March 2020. “Everyone is really excited about getting back together to do this work,” reports Grants Co-Chair Marla Whelan.

Applications for Fall Grants were open from July 8 to August 2. We received 21 applications for Equity Grants and 35 for Health & Well-Being Grants.

“We are happy with the increase in the number of Equity grants this fall,” said Marla. “This summer, we reached out by email to some organizations whose focus we thought could qualify, encouraging them to apply.” While the Equity Grant’s primary goal is to advance equity for women and girls of color, consideration may be offered more broadly. “We clarified that, if you were addressing equity for any cohort, you would likely be impacting women and girls of color.”

These are the next steps in the fall process are these:

  • Aug 30-Sep 2: initial assessments of applications completed

  • Sep 20-22: semi-finalists identified

  • Oct 18-20: finalists named

  • Nov 2: finalists packets emailed to members

  • Nov 10: voting ends

  • Nov 15: Fall Grants awarded at our Town Hall Meeting

In November 2022, Impact Austin will award $188,400 in grants across the two focus areas. Two finalists will be selected in each focus area and voted upon by the members. The finalist in each focus area receiving the majority votes will be awarded the application grant amount of $75,400, and the other finalist will be awarded an unrestricted grant of $18,800.

Impact Austin's youth initiative Girls Giving Grants is currently registering new members for the 2022-2023 year. Membership is open to girls in grades 8-12, and community service hours may be offered. Their grant award will be determined by the number of members registered. For more information, visit the g3 webpage.


Learn more about Impact Austin grantmaking here, and see a database of our Community Partners, and their work we funded here.

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© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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