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Fall Grant Review Begins

Impact Austin

The applications are in and Grant Review Committees (GRCs) are fully staffed and operating. Fall grant review is underway! The process concludes on November 16, when Impact Austin will award four grants totaling $226, 200 at our Town Hall Meeting.

Fall Grantmaking Details

Health & Well-Being Grants are awarded to strengthen and enhance the lives of children and families and/or positively impact the mental or physical health and wellness of people.

  • 27 members serve on this GRC, including 2 chairs and one advisor

  • 39 applications will undergo initial review by the Health & Well-Being GRC

Equity Grants are awarded to advance equity for women and/or girls of color.

  • 22 members serve on this GRC, including 2 chairs and one advisor

  • 8 applications will undergo initial review by the Equity GRC


  • Applications advancing to the grant review stage will be identified in early September

  • Semi-finalist applicants will be identified in late September

  • Finalists will be named in late October

  • Voting instructions will be emailed to members in early November

  • Grants will be awarded November 16

The finalist in each focus area receiving the majority votes will be awarded a restricted grant of $90,500 and the other finalist will receive an unrestricted grant of $22,600.

Content to support GRC work

Our 2021 Discovery Days videos included some content helpful to all Impact Austin members, but GRC volunteers in particular. Check out these videos and their supporting blog content.

* Exploring the Impact of DEIB

A History of Race, Racism, and Philanthropy in Central Texas

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging in Action

Supporting blog

* Discovering Central Texas Issues

Issues Facing Central Texas Women

Building a Resilient Austin

Supporting blog

* Philanthropy Education

Strengths-Based Investment in Low-Income Communities

Supporting blog

* and more

Inspirational Takeaways from 2021 Discovery Days sessions

Embracing a DEIB Framework

Looking ahead

Each grant cycle presents learning opportunities for Impact Austin. We are discerning about our responsibilities as grantmakers, and we maintain an active quest to work smarter, serve better, and fund more thoughtfully. Many of our processes and forms have been streamlined for lighter burden on both applicants and GRC members, and we know that we can always improve. As the fall cycle concludes, we’ll continue to evaluate and look for ways to fine-tune our grantmaking, both to benefit our nonprofit partners and to serve our members’ philanthropy education.

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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