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Impact Austin

Exciting news! We have a matching grant opportunity for Impact Austin.

Between now and December 15, every special gift to Impact Austin will be matched dollar for dollar – with up to $3,000 matched and doubled to $6,000. Please help us reach this goal!

The matching grant applies to donations made through the inLieu app. 

InLieu is a social giving app developed by Impact Austin member Kathy Terry.  She created the app to encourage acts of philanthropy in lieu of superfluous hostess, holiday, and birthday gifts. Some of us just don’t need more “stuff.” The inLieu app allows friends and family to easily support one another’s favorite causes and nonprofits. Learn more about inLieu here.

Because we share a love for Impact Austin, we’re encouraging members (and their friends and family) to use inLieu to donate directly to Impact Austin, and to do so by December 15 for matching dollars.

Tips for using inLieu

  • Download the app on iTunes or Google Play.

  • Create a profile. This is quick and easy; your blog author did it in two minutes.

  • Search for “Impact Austin Foundation” in the nonprofit directory and then make Impact Austin Foundation your very first “favorite.” Add other organizations at the same time or later.

  • You can give "in lieu" of  a gift to a friend or "Donate Directly" to Impact Austin. Both methods are demonstrated in our graphic download.

  • Your gift will be shared on the inLieu social feed (although you opt to give anonymously).  At that point, you can also share your gift on Facebook and Twitter – and make sure to tag Impact Austin and your Impact Austin friends!

  • Encourage friends to donate to Impact Austin on the inLieu app to DOUBLE their donation.

Giving Tuesday on November 27 is the perfect day to launch your giving on inLieu.

But once you see how easy it is to use, we think the app will inspire multiple acts of generosity in lieu of gift cards or unused (but well-intended) stuff. Give in lieu of flowers to your Thanksgiving hostess ……  in lieu of something silly for your white elephant exchange …… in lieu of wine for that cocktail party …… in lieu of a shirt for dad or a bathrobe for mom …… in lieu of a poinsettia for your neighbor …… in lieu of heaven-knows-what for your boss …… for year-end donations. You might even give the gift of giving (!) by  hosting a giving "party," another option that exists on inLieu. 

Just remember to double your giving dollars to Impact Austin by December 15.  We're feeling thankful already!

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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