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Diana Maldonado is a Woman Who Does it All

Impact Austin

Kim Doyal considered joining Impact Austin for years.  We asked her what caused her to jump in.

“I learned about Impact Austin in 2007 while I was expecting my son. My good friend Becky Griner told me about the organization, and suggested that I join. I was expecting my daughter while my son was still a baby, and I remember hearing about the local nonprofits receiving grants and doing so much good for people and I thought, ‘I can’t even get a shower most days, I certainly can’t join a group right now!’

By 2013, my kids were 3 and 5 and I was ready to become a member of Impact Austin.

I grew up with love, support, opportunity, and messages that I could be or do anything. My life would have been different without these things. I joined Impact Austin to help others find the kind of support and opportunity they need.”

Kim is a communications professional and put her career on hold for the last few years to raise her children. Now that her youngest is in school, she is ready to go back to work. Her family consists of husband Eddie Perez, stepson Xander (12), son Emerson (6), and daughter Mina (5).

Kim says, “I have spent my career taking ideas and weaving them into stories and explanations that people can use in their lives. Real communication happens when you connect with people, when you present information in a way that resonates with them and has some kind of meaning for their life -- whether it’s through writing, conversation, or public speaking. I have had the pleasure of the using these skills in a variety of industries.”

We asked Kim how she has used these communication skills to benefit Impact Austin.

“This year, I served on the Education Focus Area Committee. It’s rewarding to sit in a room filled with like-minded women and have a serious discussion about solving educational problems right here at home. I would love to work on other FACs in the future.

I have also been working with the Marketing and Communications Committee. We have crafted the messages surrounding the strategic plan and our “identity” as an organization moving forward. I also helped to write content and create messaging for our new website.”

In addition to her work with Impact Austin, Kim recently began working with the National Alliance on Mental Illness - Austin.   She is preparing to become a trainer for two programs that help identify and support mentally ill children. One helps families cope and identify resources for their kids and another helps schools and teachers identify students earlier in their illness. Both of these programs are critical, since early recognition and intervention change lives.

What is the most important thing you have learned as a member of Impact Austin and what is your favorite aspect of membership?

“I’ve learned about the many types of need in our community and the organizations that serve them. This year I participated in the site visits. I was genuinely surprised at how emotional and exhilarating they were, and by the level and depth of discussion that followed. My favorite thing about being a member is that you can actually meet the people we help and see that our grants really do make a difference in people’s everyday lives.” 

What is something unusual about you that most people would not guess?

“I love light bulbs and buy interesting ones when I come across them. I have always wanted to learn to weld so that I can create my own light fixtures.

Kim Doyal is shining her light in many ways for Impact Austin!

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© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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