Impact Austin held its 10th annual workshop for Austin area nonprofits on October 20th at the Region 13 Education Center.

Over 100 representatives of local nonprofits learned about Impact Austin – who we are, the grant process, eligibility guidelines, our five focus areas and the key criteria that submissions are evaluated against.
Nancy Blaich, Executive Director of the Samaritan Center, spoke on the importance of picking a strong project that matches the mission of the nonprofit for Impact Austin's grant cycle.
For the third year Impact Austin offered a moderated panel Q&A session led by Suzy Rowley, IA Nonprofit Coordinator.

Our thanks to guest speaker, Nancy Blaich. Thank you, as well, to Susan Blount, IA Focus Area Co-Coordinator and Stefanie Cavanaugh, IA Grant Finance Committee Co-Chair, for their participation on the panel.
A very special thanks to Region 13 for hosting our event at their facility, Blackbaud for sponsoring the workshop, to Thundercloud Subs for providing lunch and to all of our amazing Impact Austin volunteers who helped makes this year’s workshop such a success!
For nonprofit organizations interested in learning more, visit the Apply for Grants page of our website.