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Introducing the FY 2018 Officers of Impact Austin’s Board of Directors

Impact Austin

A great organization has great leadership, and Impact Austin is no exception. A special group of Impact Austin members toils behind the scenes for the benefit of all of us and our goal is for you to get to know them better. We start here with the Officers of our Board of Directors, but keep checking in, because there is more to come!

Lauren Paver, PresidentHigher Order Consulting, Founder & Principal Consultant

A member of Impact Austin and a fan since 2008, I have been participating on grant review committees, membership, marketing, technology, finance, the hiring of our Executive Directors, grants innovation and more... 

I'm drawn to Impact Austin and dedicate my time here because I fundamentally believe in what we do - educating women to be philanthropists and I geek out in thinking about what we're going to do next in the course of the upcoming 15 years.

I love working with organizations and people, creating a career in strategy, planning, and execution. 

I am from Fort Worth originally, attended Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas and have called Austin home for the past 12 years. 

When not investing my spare time with IA, I'm running my own business Higher Order Consulting, being a mom to three great kids, Brendan (8), Quinn (5), and Fitz (2), trekking along the hill country on my Ducati Monster motorcycle, enjoying a good book, cooking or trail running.

Dipti Pandey, TreasurerAudit Partner, Bauer & Company

I grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal and fell in love with Austin after I moved here for college. 

As an audit partner, Dipti leads audit and accounting advisory engagements for a broad range of clients including technology, financial services, manufacturing and not-for-profit organizations. She has over 10 years of experience, including previous audit experience with Deloitte and PMB Helin Donovan in the Austin area. Dipti loves creating connections for colleagues and clients to other resources in the Austin area and serving as a trusted business advisor. Dipti is also active in the Austin community as a board member for Impact Austin, one of the largest women’s philanthropy groups in the nation. Through Impact Austin, Dipti is dedicated to helping women become philanthropists right here in our community.

Dipti has a Masters in Professional Accounting from University of Texas, Austin and is a CPA in Texas. She enjoys spending time with her husband Amit and hiking the trails around Austin with her dogs. An avid traveler, Dipti is always looking for new destinations to explore.

Judy MacKenzie, SecretaryCommunity Volunteer

I am a transplant from the Northeast but have been in Austin for long enough that I (practically) feel like a native. Since retiring as an IBM Manager, I volunteer "all over the place" and love to recruit new members for Impact Austin. It's a challenge for me to fit long-distance travel into my busy schedule, but I am highly motivated to do so, so I make it happen.

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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